Monday, 10 October 2011

Starting a new project

In this brand new project I will be analysing the horror genre and it's conventions which will eventually lead to the creation of my very own horror movie trailer. Now the horror genre and I have an odd history together. For one thing I've never really brought into the genre since I always thought that the idea of watching a movie which consists of 90 minutes of pointless dialogue, bad acting and the occasional death seemed rather pointless. Now I will admit that's mainly due to the fact that I haven't watched many horror films through out my life (mainly due to the fact that I was too young to see them) which is probably why I have such a negative attitude towards this genre, plus the fact that the horror movies that I have watched are mostly rubbish (though I will admit that I have seen some pretty damn good horror films like Alien, Dracula and Jaws). However I'm rather excited about studying horror films this year since it will increase my knowledge about films in general and introduce me some of the more popular horror films that I have missed out on like: a nightmare on elm street, Halloween, the Texas chainsaw massacre etc.

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