. Perdition
. Damnation
. Condemnation
. Destruction
. Malediction
. Domination
. Possession
. Repression
. Profanity
. Absolution
Each of these film titles have some connection to religion or religious connotations because the film is about devil-ish possession so these title seemed fitting. Also all the titles are simply one word and this is because we thought that one word titles were more powerful that longer ones since some of the scariest titles for horror films have been simply one word (e.g. Halloween, Scream, Psycho, Alien, Carrie etc). In order to decide on which title would be best we had to get audience feed back on what they thought was the best title, so we diced to only had out cards for people to tick, we also put the question on survey monkey to try and increase are overall feedback and have more reliable results (though admittedly I thought that absolution was the best title).

After tallying up the results it turned out that the top 4 title that the audience chose were: Damnation, Condemnation, Domination and Perdition. In the end we deicide to go with damnation since it got the most votes and personally we thought it best suited the type of film were are going to make. So now that we have chosen a title we also have an easier time on choosing a tag lines but what's different about our tag line is that we can link it to both the meaning of the word to the meaning of the film since most tag lines reflect the film rather than the film title which happens a lot with horror films (e.g. Halloween's tag line is "the night HE came home").
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